It is this incredible resilience in the face of adversity and unrelenting hope that drives Mary, the art education staff and other volunteers to keep bringing hope and joy to these children’s lives through art therapy and outings. Their poverty, abuse, and vulnerability to disease is an obstacle that can be overcome, with proper medical attention, love and care.

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CAAP is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States and a registered non-profit trust in South Africa. Yet to continue, we need your support. These programs are in great need of funding for art supplies and facilities, staff, as well as transport costs for the children and their outings. With your help, you can give these abandoned, vulnerable children a chance to laugh and forget their pain if only for the moment it takes to paint a picture or be transported by an outing that opens their eyes to happier times.

If you want to make a difference,

You may contact Mary Miyata at

You may also request regular updates on the progress of CAAP via email correspondence, Facebook or Twitter.

Many thanks to you from a few struggling artists.
donate to the childrens aids art programe
Note: In an effort to protect the identity of the children, we have carefully selected photos to ensure their privacy and to comply with regulations from the Department of Social Development, South Africa.